Curriculum Vitae
August 2018
Date of Birth: October 31, 1982
Place of Birth: Sumgait, USSR
Nationality: Belarusian
Detailed CV in English:
Studies I
1993-1998 ● Gymnasium no. 2, Baranovichi, Belarus
1998-2000 ● Lyceum of the BSU, Minsk, Belarus
Studies II
2000-2004 ● Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
2004-2006 ● Ecole Polytechnique (X2003), Palaiseau, France, degree Ingénieur diplômé de l'Ecole Polytechnique
2006-2007 ● Master "Analysis, Arithmetics and Geometry", Ecole Polytechnique / University Paris-Sud,
Master of Sciences and Technologies degree
2007-2011 ● Ph.D. thesis, University Paris-Sud,
Supervisor: Professor Jean-Christophe Yoccoz,
Title: Origamis and permutation groups
Sept. 2011 ● Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Professional experience
since 2000 ● author of problems and member of the jury of national mathematical competitions, Belarus
since 2001 ● lecturer at the National Summer School for Talented Youth, Belarus
2002 ● programming in the domain of sound processing
2002-2004 ● scientific internship in Number Theory at the Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Belarus, Supervisor: Professor Vasilij Ivanovich Bernik
April-July 2006 ● scientific internship, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, Supervisor: Dr. Samuel Lelièvre,
Title: Actions of groups on origamis
April-August 2007 ● scientific internship at Collège de France, Supervisor: Professor Jean-Christophe Yoccoz,
Title: Teichmüller curves in genus two
2007/2008 and 2008/2009 ● teaching third year mathematics, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
since 2008 ● organiser of the mathematics club, Orsay, France
since 2008 ● organiser of the International Tournament of Young Mathematicians, France and Belarus
since 2010 ● organiser of the French Tournament of Young Mathematicians, France
Sept. 2010 - August 2012 ● full-time teaching position ATER, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
March-August 2012 ● Balzan research project of Professor Jacob Palis, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sept. 2012 - February 2013 ● EPDI post-doctoral fellowship, Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna, Austria
March - August 2013 ● EPDI post-doctoral fellowship, Institute for Mathematical Research, Zürich, Switzerland
September - November 2013 ● EPDI post-doctoral fellowship, Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
December 2013 - August 2014 ● EPDI post-doctoral fellowship, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
December 2014 - December 2015 ● Post-doctoral fellowship in DNA analysis, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
since 2016 ● Lecturer at the Educational Center of the Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
since 2017 ● Collaboration with Harbour.Space University. Barcelona, Spain
1996-2005 ● prizes at numerous national and international olympiads, conferences and tournaments in mathematics
1999 ● honourable mention, International Conference of Young Scientists, Belarus
2000 ● 1st prize, International Conference in memory of S.N. Bernshtein, St. Petersburg, Russia
2000 ● 3rd prize, Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair), Detroit, United States of America
2001 ● special prize, International Conference in memory of P.L. Tchebyshev, St. Petersburg, Russia
2002 ● 2nd prize, IMC (International Mathematics Competition for University Students), Warsaw, Poland
2003 ● 2nd prize, IMC, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
2004 ● President's Prize laureate
2005 ● 1st prize, IMC, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
yoga, volleyball, table tennis
Russian, Belarusian (fluent), English (fluent), French (fluent), German (notions), Spanish (notions)
Java, C++, Delphi, Assembler, HTML, LaTeX, GAP, Sage